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From Ideas to Impact
A Playbook for Influencing and Implementing Change in a Divided World
Accelerate your real-world, social impact by driving systemic policy changes.
As Co-Founder of Global Citizen—an international education and advocacy organization with the mission to end extreme poverty worldwide—Michael Sheldrick has worked with governments, businesses, foundations, the artist community, and everyday citizens to distribute over $40 billion around the world over the past decade. Now, in From Ideas to Impact: A Playbook for Influencing and Implementing Change in a Divided World, he delivers an inspiring and insightful discussion on how to implement social impact by driving policy change.
This book reveals key characteristics of successful policy entrepreneurs – visionaries bridging the gap between promises and real-world outcomes. They are practical implementers who put impact first, resisting the urge to pursue the instant dopamine boost that comes from simply winning arguments at all costs. They are connectors and networkers who build diverse coalitions and broker win-win solutions to address our current implementation crisis.
An indispensable guide for individual changemakers, philanthropists, corporate social responsibility (CSR) practitioners, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) professionals, policymakers, corporate foundations, and higher education students, From Ideas to Impact: A Playbook for Influencing and Implementing Change in a Divided World, features:
- An overview of pressing challenges to avoid, including an obsession with winning arguments at the expense of results, demands for unwavering tribal loyalty, and a counterproductive aversion to negotiation.
- An eight-step playbook offering tools to master policy entrepreneurship, foster cooperation, build bridges, and drive policy implementation beyond stagnation, conflict, and polarization.
- Diverse policy entrepreneurs and examples spanning historical movements like the Transatlantic Slave Trade and FDR’s New Deal to contemporary battles for climate justice, coal community transitions, and grassroots gender equality efforts.
At its core, this uplifting book instills hope that change is achievable despite our divisions. It showcases how individuals at all levels pursue systemic policy change through united voices, cooperation, and solidarity. Sheldrick equips readers with the tools to craft impactful narratives that can inspire countless more success stories, reinforcing the idea that we are not prisoners of fate and that actual change begins with us.
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“From Ideas to Impact” draws important connections between policy change and social impact, whether readers come from business management, government, or social issues circles. The teachings apply equally to all facets, painting an intriguing picture of a “policy entrepreneur” who can spearhead these connections and changes. The eight-step review of how a policy entrepreneur hones vision, enacts it, and drives changes that lead to the betterment of humanity as a whole may seem to harbor lofty ideals (and, it does); but behind the visionary hope lies a pragmatic, down-to-earth focus on how systems and policies work—and why and how they can fail.
D. Donovan, Sr. Reviewer, Midwest Book Review
In these challenging times when politicians are failing to provide leadership, when multilateral peace and security institutions are wrecked from within, ‘Ideas to Impact’ is timely and offers pathways to solutions, solidarity and partnership from ground up, from periphery to center.
Jose Ramos-Horta, President of Timor Leste & Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
Democracy requires committed citizens who take action and work for what they believe in… Mick has made an impact on many lives through his work combating climate change, giving more children access to education and achieving the end of extreme poverty. He has also inspired thousands of others to drive the change they seek.
Erna Solberg, former Prime Minister of Norway (2013-2021)
I know Mick Sheldrick well as we are both members in the board of the Ban Ki-moon Centre and I admire his manifold activities in the field of sustainable development, education, and information. In addition, he is an excellent organiser. In a world testing the resilience of institutions like the United Nations, Mick Sheldrick masterfully unveils their enduring impact on our daily lives notwithstanding geopolitical tensions. With flair, he distils compelling insights, guiding readers to unearth common ground in our turbulent era. This is a book for the times, sharp and incisive.
Heinz Fischer, former President of Austria (2004-2016)
Get ready for a must-read! Michael Sheldrick shares the story of the inspiring South African advocates who fearlessly catapulted period poverty and girls’ education to the political stratosphere. This timely book serves up practical lessons for anyone seeking to make a real difference.
Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Former Deputy President of South Africa and Former Head of UN Women
This book postulates bringing civility back to society through consistent, ethical action, and by appealing to our shared hopes over fears; thereby, equipping policy entrepreneurs to overcome division and create a more just world for all.
Tony Tersigni, EdD, FACHE, Executive Chair of Ascension Capital
To create the world we owe future generations, we need to think differently and act now. And yet most people, including leaders, succumb to the prevailing sense of powerlessness and apathy. Mick’s book From Ideas to Impact is a clarion call to action. He provides an easy-to-read, inspiring guide on how we can all lead change, and accelerate progress to a greener, more equitable future.
Simon Mulcahy, President, TIME
Behind the glitz of their concerts and festivals, Mick Sheldrick and the Global Citizen community have built an impressive campaigning model based on popular engagement, strategic storytelling and coalition-building. Aspiring change-makers the world over have much to learn from their example.
Mark Malloch-Brown, President of the Open Society Foundation and Former Deputy Secretary-General of the UN
Michael Sheldrick brings a new take to the struggle to move beyond no longer competitive fossil fuels and on to cheaper, cleaner renewables from the outlier in the “Anglo-Saxon” world. But his scope is far broader — how do you make progressive policy in only partially progressive societies, where private individualism still has a deep hold? And his argument should remind us all that we need to keep tethered in the unique past that shapes every policy struggle worth fighting.
Carl Pope, Senior Climate Advisor to Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg & Co-Author of NY Times Bestseller Climate of Hope
Michael leads by example, inspiring everyone he meets including Prime Ministers, Presidents, philanthropists and rock stars, with his clear goals and strength of purpose. And in the book, Michael insists that what he has done others can do… At a time of global polycrisis, Michael gives us more than reasons to be hopeful; he actually tells us how to go about effecting meaningful change in our world.
Melissa Parke, Former Minister, Australia Government & Executive Director, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
Mick has given meaning to the role of leadership for global good and the power of community engagement to make a difference. A must read book of our times.
Lisa Singh, CEO at the Australia India Institute and Former Australian Senator and Tasmanian Government Minister
In an uncertain world and politically fractured country, Mick Sheldrick’s perspective is a breath of fresh air, emphasizing the prioritization of impact over ideology to create tangible change. This book highlights that active citizenship extends beyond voting, emphasizing the power of dialogue and listening to those with with whom may disagree to advance crucial issues. Mick advocates that through meaningful engagement and substantive conversations we can reach compromise, make a difference, and find solutions to difficult problems. A read well worth your precious time.
Charlie Dent, Former US Congressman & Executive Director and Vice President of Aspen Institute Congressional Program
In his new book “From Ideas to Impact: A Playbook for Influencing and Implementing Change in a Divided World,” Michael Sheldrick provides an inspiring roadmap for global citizens seeking to make an impact. Michael’s book gives hope to those who are frustrated with the growing challenges faced by social entrepreneurs, urging them to master the art of policy entrepreneurship. ” From Ideas to Impact ” is a valuable guide for those ready to bridge the gap between great ideas and policy impact, inspiring action for a better collective future.
Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede, Nigerian Investor and Philanthropist
In a world facing immense challenges, it can feel impossible to affect policy but Michael breaks things down, gives compelling examples, and empowers us all to do what we can in our own spheres of influence. He should know, he’s been doing it for over 15 years as a co-founder of Global Citizen.
Dr. Márcia Balisciano, Director of Benjamin Franklin House & Chief Sustainability Officer, RELX
Michael Sheldrick challenges us to go beyond the rhetoric of empty promises and the ubiquitous calls to action. “From Ideas to Impact” is a must-read for current and aspiring development leaders and practitioners.
Glenn Denning, Professor of Practice at Columbia University & Author of Universal Food Security
“From Idea to Impact” eloquently and strategically explains and inspires how partnerships lead to powerful action. As a co-founder of the Global Citizen, Michael Sheldrick draws on his many years of experience and success, which makes his book a credible testimony as to how we indeed can change the world for the better and together.
Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director, Education Cannot Wait, the Global Fund for Education in Emergencies and Protracted Crises, UN
It is very rare you come across a book, which has all the hallmarks of becoming the standard reference for its industry, in this case civil society organizations. Mick Sheldrick, co-founder of Global Citizen, interlaces global climate politics, organizational playbook ingenuity and personal “war story” observations in a writing style as if you were in the room. A book to cherish and an act hard to follow.
Frank Van Gansbeke, Executive Scholar in Residence at Middlebury College
Coming up with ideas is easy but making an impactful difference is hard. In “From Ideas to Impact”, Mick Sheldrick not only provides a roadmap for the journey to transformational change, but the book also serves as an instruction manual for making it happen. As Co-founder of Global Citizen for over a decade, Mick has catalyzed civic actions and policy advocacy to bring about collective impact. In these pages he shares inspirational stories and provides examples of how to accelerate global social impact by driving systemic policy changes. I’m a better leader because of Mick’s wisdom. This book allows Mick’s wisdom to be shared with the world. Read. Learn. Act!
C.D. Glin, President, PepsiCo Foundation & Global Head of Social Impact, PepsiCo Inc.
Real power comes from movement building that gets citizens involved in diverse forms of personal action at massive societal scales. We grow bold leaders and lasting action from the roots. No organization has done this better than Global Citizen, and Mick Sheldrick’s ‘From Ideas to Impact’ shares the secret sauce behind these efforts and insightful curation of other change making we all can learn from.
Jad Daley, President and CEO of American Forests
Michael Sheldrick charts a course through some of the most challenging issues of our time… He illuminates successful efforts in translating seemingly abstract concepts, such as ‘just transition’, into impactful policy changes that enhance people’s lives and help advance social justice.
Gilbert F. Houngbo, Director-General of the International Labour Organization
‘From Ideas to Impact’ outlines practical steps to influence policy, emphasizing that impactful leaders are cultivated, trained, equipped, and empowered. Philanthropies can support policy entrepreneurs if they are willing to rewrite their playbook and embrace a new era of effective, sustainable change.
Dan Pallotta, Entrepreneur and Author of Uncharitable: How Restraints on Nonprofits Undermine Their Potential
This very timely book has practical advice for those who are distressed about the way the world is going, and want to know how to help do something about it. This book reflects knowledge and understanding of working through extraordinary achievements in international conflicts , and is a must read.
Dr Sue Boyd AM, Former Australian Diplomat
A world in which yesterday’s playbook of big-tent consensus building no longer works. Thankfully, Michael draws on his deep experience and that of others to lay out how to make positive change happen. This kind of thinking is needed more than ever.
David McNair, Executive Director at ONE.org, Co-Founded by Bono
Parts of the world are literally on fire, while the news media reports on political and economic elites generating more problems than solutions… From ‘Ideas to Impact’ describes what has worked, what has not, and why in order to get past the cynicism that could otherwise prove ruinous. As a leading global changemaker himself, Sheldrick is exactly the right messenger for this crucial message.
Evan Lieberman, Professor of Political Science and Contemporary Africa & Director of the Center for International Studies at MIT
This inspiring book by Mick Sheldrick reminds us not only to have faith in the power of idealism and collaboration, but also provides a super useful toolbox for civil societies across the world to achieve game-changing results in their work even as the odds are stacked against them.
Dino Patti Djalal, Former Ambassador of Indonesia to the US and Founder of Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia
A highly readable and accessible study of the role of advocacy in bringing about fundamental change in our societies and achieving global public goods. Strategic thinkers, policy-makers, activists and philanthropists will all benefit from this lucid and practical guide to an increasingly important dimension of today’s world.
David Donoghue, former Permanent Representative of Ireland to the UN and Co-Facilitator of SDG 2030 Agenda
Sheldrick brings a deep understanding of how change happens to some of the biggest problems of our time. He clearly sets out the challenges we face but more importantly he is insightful in proposing solutions. Sheldrick connects different ideas and innovations to propose new ways forward past some of the most daunting obstacles to human flourishing.
Alex Rafalowicz, Director at Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative
In a time of global ‘polycrises,’ Michael Sheldrick and Global Citizen have long been out ahead, putting pop and politics together to bring everyday peoples’ voices into the halls of power, working successfully to move the needle on issues from climate to poverty to gender equity. Here he tells us all how he does it—and how we can do it—and shows us that even on a fractured planet there are still ways to make critical and concrete policy changes for a better world.
Sandy Zipp, Director of Urban Studies Program & Professor of American Studies and Urban Studies at Brown University